Reply To: Theremin volume drift – please help!

Thomas GrilloThomas Grillo

Hello, You may want to adjust L11 lug which is the left most of the 3, and you may want to check L5, and L6. It’s possible that in shipping, the lugs became unstabalized. Just give them a light tap to make them sit better. You may want to consider drilling access holes in the top of your cabinet to make tuning easier. If you try to do it with the lid off, you will get a lower pitch, or different volume charactoristics when you put the lid back on.

If this does not work, contact Moog for an RMA as it’s covered for a year.

Mine was one of a small batch that went out with a bad power supply, and they were very swift about getting mine back to me.

Hope this helps,

Thomas Grillo