In Clara’s Home – Her Last Years, and the Summer of 1997

Clara Rockmore playing the Theremin.

The following essay was written by Steve J. Sherman, Clara Rockmore’s great-nephew and Nadia Reisenberg’s grandson. As the title suggests, it provides us with an in-depth account of Clara Rockmore’s life during her last decade, up until her death in 1998, and includes a detailed chapter devoted to the controversial summer of 1997 and the […]

Clara Rockmore’s Lost Theremin Album

Clara Rockmore playing a Victor RCA Theremin

The message that follows has been sent today by Steve Sherman, Clara Rockmore’s great-nephew and Nadia Reisenberg’s grandson, to the Levnet forum. Dear Levnet – I don’t think I’ve ever actually posted on Levnet, or at least haven’t since Clara died in 1998. I am Steve Sherman, Clara Rockmore’s great-nephew and Nadia Reisenberg’s grandson (my […]

Metodo per Theremin

Thanks to our technical editor Giorgio Necordi the Method for Theremin by Clara Rockmore (revised by David Miller and Jeffrey McFarland-Johnson) is now available also in italian (english and spanish editions can be downloaded from Grazie al nostro technical editor Giorgio Necordi il Metodo per Theremin di Clara Rockmore (rivisto da David Miller e […]

Clara Rockmore – The Art of the theremin

Nadia Reisenberg, piano Composers: Rachmaninoff, Saint Saëns, De Falla, Achron, Wieniawski, Stravinsky, Ravel, Tchaikovsky, Glazunov The Russian borne (1911-1998) Clara Rockmore was the youngest of three musically gifted sisters. Her oldest sister is Nadia Reisenberg who plays the piano on this cd. Clara was gifted with an ‘ absolute pitch ‘ and a great sense […]

Clara Rockmore Theremin Service Notes

Clara Rockmore's custom Theremin built by Léon Theremin.

– This post made possible by the generosity of Clara Rockmore – This post concerns theremin adjustment instructions written by Bob Moog for Clara at the time he revived Clara’s custom theremin in 1989. My comments are in small text. Thanks to Bob Moog for his hand traced Rockmore schematic seen on Jason’s web pages. […]