Lucy Rosen’s 1940’s Theremin Notebook

Lucie Rosen Custom Theremin

The document below was found by John Snyder during his Caramoor research many years ago. Lucy Rosen owned that country estate, and maintained two custom theremins made for her by Professor Theremin. The typewritten photocopies John rescued were apparently originally transcribed from shorthand notes. The document contains numerous grammatical errors. I edited here and there […]

An Interview with Leon Theremin

Léon Theremin and Olivia Mattis in France

Interview conducted in France in 1989, when Leon Theremin (Lev Sergeyevich Termen) first emerged from Russia after 51 years of state arrest. Olivia Mattis and Leon Theremin in Bourges, France 16 June 1989 Conducted in France in 1989, when Leon Theremin (Lev Sergeyevich Termen) first emerged from Russia after 51 years of state arrest. Also […]

Lev Sergeyevich Termen: The Inventor of the Theremin

Léon Theremin demonstrating the Thereminvox.

The history of the Theremin and its inventor through a collection of press clips. The Birth of the Theremin In the years previous to 1920, a young student, Lev Sergeivitch Termen (a name which was thereafter gallicized to Léon Théremin), built an electronic musical instrument in St. Petersburg. It was a Thermionic tubed instrument. Théremin […]