Spellbound (1945), a movie directed by Alfred Hitchcock, tells the story of the new head of a mental asylum who turns out not to be what he claims to be. The movie was adapted by Angus MacPhail and Ben Hecht from the novel The House Of Dr. Edwardes by Francis Beeding and stars Ingrid Bergman, […]
The Day the Earth Stood Still is a 1951 science fiction film which tells the story of a humanoid spaceman who comes to Earth to convince its leaders to learn how to live in peace. It stars Michael Rennie, Patricia Neal, Hugh Marlowe, Sam Jaffe, Billy Gray, Frances Bavier and Lock Martin. The movie was […]
Bernard Herrmann is widely regarded as one of the greatest film composers of all time. But thanks to the score he wrote for the science fiction movie “The Day the earth Stood Still”, which involved the use of theremins played by Samuel Hoffman and Paul Shure, he has also achieved a position in the Theremin […]