Solo from RocketShip X-M

Samuel HoffmanSolo from RocketShip X-M

Theremin solo by Samuel Hoffman from the soundtrack of “Rocketship X-M” (1950.)

Samuel Hoffman 1952 “You Asked for It” Video

Theremin player Samuel Hoffmann at 'You Asked For It' TV Show.

You Asked For It was a human-interest show that aired between 1950 and 1959. For the first few months, it was named The Art Baker Show, after the series creator and host, Art Baker. In April of 1951, the show’s title was changed to You Asked For It. [Wikipedia] In 1952 the show featured Samuel […]

Hoffman On TV

Samuel HoffmanHoffman On TV

Here is an audio snippet of the “You Asked For It” TV show of the 50’s. Sam plays excerpts from The Lost Weekend and Spellbound motion pictures and the standard, “You Were Meant For Me”. Uncle Howie

Blue Mirage

Samuel HoffmanBlue Mirage

Sam plays Theremin in this old classic.

Freddy Quinn’s Blue Mirage

Samuel HoffmanFreddy Quinn’s Blue Mirage

A song from 1962 by Manfred “Freddy” Quinn. I believe that this is Sam Hoffman on Theremin, but I am not positive. I think the best Theremin part is the last 15 seconds of the song. I will be deleting this song soon, so get it while you can!

Hypnotic Duel

Samuel HoffmanHypnotic Duel

From the motion picture “The 5000 Fingers Of Dr. T”. Circa 1953 from a 33 1/3 RPM bootleg record. I don’t believe this soundtrack was ever “officially” released. This film also features lyrics and stage sets by none other than Dr. Suess…

Struttin’ With Clayton

Samuel HoffmanStruttin’ With Clayton

A cool tune from 1948 by Leslie Baxter. It is from the “Perfume Set To Music” era. This is the only song that is missing from the Hoffman box set. Sam has a Theremin part that starts near the middle of this song. Side B on this RCA Victor 45 RPM.


Samuel HoffmanElectricity

Here is another rarity featuring Sam on a Rock and Roll album.
Uncle Howie

Autumn’s Child

Samuel HoffmanAutumn’s Child

Sam is a guest performer on this rock and roll song. Uncle Howie