We’ve heard it so many times played by Clara, Lydia, Peter and many others. And all of us theremin lovers have tried to play it, with mixed results, at least one time. It’s the theremin Classic The Swan by Saint-Saens. Well, it is worth to listen to it one more time in this video by […]
A message from Masami Takeuchi: Dear all theremin enthusiasts, The new CD “VOCALISE” by Masami Takeuchi, a Japanese Theremin player, will be brought out on 28th August, 2006 – the 110th birthday of Lev Termen. Masami Takeuchi is pupil of Lydia Kavina, this release of the 2nd CD has been 5 years since the last […]
The Japanese theremin scene is a lively one. But it’s not easy to find information about it since most of the web sites are in the Japanese language only and Japanese theremin enthusiasts usually do not participate in English language online forums. The result is that Japan is like a theremin world apart. That’s why […]