Celebrating Bob’s 74th Birthday With the Release of Amin Bhatia’s “Bolero Electronica”

“Not only is this a tribute to the late Bob Moog, but it is a tribute to the history of synthesizers in general. I do not recall anyone doing anything like this on this scale. I have no doubt “Bolero Electronica” will go down as a pivotal historical piece. Absolutely fantastic. A masterpiece! Thank you so much for creating this.” –MATRIXSYNTH

Film composer and Synthesist Amin Bhatia
Film composer and Synthesist Amin Bhatia.

Today is a poignant day in the Moog universe, as it marks Bob’s 74th birthday. Although we all wish Bob was still here with us, we know that it is only his body that has left us and that his spirit remains and serves as a guiding force and an inspiration for many. In celebrating Bob’s birthday, we are ultimately celebrating who Bob was: a pioneer and innovator, an unassuming engineer, a sage voice of experience and knowledge, an ardent practitioner of “getting it right”, a friend to music, and so much more.

What better way to celebrate Bob’s life and work than to chart the course of synthesizer evolution through musical exploration and celebration. That is exactly what electronic orchestral composer Amin Bhatia does in “Bolero Electronica”, the second half of his brand new album “Virtuality” which is being released today in honor of Bob’s birthday. A portion of each CD sold is being donated to the Bob Moog Foundation.

“Bolero Electronica” is based n Maurice Ravel’s 1928 orchestral masterpiece “Bolero”, in which instruments of the orchestra are featured one after the other in growing layers and dynamics over 18 stanzas. In place of orchestral instruments, Amin uses over 75 synthesizers and electronic instruments and introduces them chronologically with a shift in each stanza. “Bolero Electronica” is nothing short of a brilliant celebration of synthesis and an expansive honoring of a collective group of synthesizer pioneers.

Amin notes, “Ever since my first Minimoog and a 4-track I’ve witnessed – and been part of – many revolutionary changes in electronic music. From tubes to transistors, tape to MIDI and now to computers and virtual synthesis each change has brought about new and exciting combinations of music and sound. Bob Moog was going to help on a narration track for “Bolero Electronica”. Sadly that never happened, so I’ve dedicated the album to him and to the Bob Moog Foundation. It’s my way of saying thank you for my very first Minimoog that started it all.”

For a limited time the Bob Moog Foundation is pleased to offer a copy of Amin Bhatia’s “Virtuality” CD as a gift with a $25.00 donation. Donate here to support Bob’s legacy and receive the CD that is dedicated to him!

” …while the album is technically impressive (it uses vintage synthesizers from theCantos Foundation Synthesizer Museum as well as several from personal collections), thatwould be meaningless if it wasn’t for the fact that the music is adventurous,exciting, and beautifully recorded and produced….” –Craig Anderton, Editor EQ Magazine To hear segments from “Bolero Electronica”, and to see the ”Timeline of Technology” on the orchestrations, click here. –Craig Anderton, Editor EQ Magazine To hear segments from “Bolero Electronica”, and to see the ”Timeline of Technology” on the orchestrations, click here.

Many thanks to Amin for his celebratory exploration of synthesizer history, and for sharing it with the world on this very special day.

Happy Birthday, Bob! We miss you!

The Bob Moog Foundation
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