A flyer dating from the Thirties promoting russian thereminist Mischa Tulin.
A flyer (the exact date of publication is unknown but it dates from the Thirties) promoting thereminist Charles Stein.
An article from Down Beat magazine originally published on 02.09.1951.
An interview that Clara Rockmore gave to Robert Moog on November 1, 1977 on the occasion of the publication of the record ‘The Art of the Theremin’.
An article appeared in the Literary Digest on October 29, 1927 as a follow-up to “The Latest Marvel in Music“. THE OUTLANDISH SQUEALS of the cheap radio set have now been tamed and made musical. So at least we are assured by Waldemar Kaempffert, who tells in a special dispatch from Berlin to the New […]
Reprint of the article appeared in the Literary Digest, on October 1, 1927, describing the lecture-recital that Léon Theremin presented at the international exposition in Frankfurt “Music in the Life of the People” on August 4, 1927.
Troika Ranch is the name of a New York-based performers’ group founded in 1993 by Dawn Stoppiello, a dancer and a coreographer, and Mark Coniglio, a composer who develop works of what they call slash arts: dance + music + theatre + interactive media.
A letter written by Edgard Varèse to Léon Theremin in 1941.
An interview with musicologist Olivia Mattis about the return of the Theremin Cello. In his continual quest for instruments for his “organized sound,” Edgard Varèse experimented with different kinds of musical and non-musical devices. Since he believed in a strict collaboration between composers and scientists, he also approached various scientists and inventors like Luigi Russolo […]
Interview conducted in France in 1989, when Leon Theremin (Lev Sergeyevich Termen) first emerged from Russia after 51 years of state arrest. Olivia Mattis and Leon Theremin in Bourges, France 16 June 1989 Conducted in France in 1989, when Leon Theremin (Lev Sergeyevich Termen) first emerged from Russia after 51 years of state arrest. Also […]