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Claude Debussy

Claude Debussy (August 22, 1862 – March 25, 1918), composer of impressionistic classical music. Born in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Yvelines, France, Claude Debussy studied with Guiraud and others at the Paris Conservatoire (1872-84) and as an 1884 Prix de Rome winner, went to Rome, Italy (1885-7), though more important impressions came from his visits to Bayreuth (1888, […]

Suzanne Valadon

Suzanne Valadon (September 23, 1865 – April 7, 1938) was a French painter. Born Marie-Clémentine Valadon at Bessines-sur-Gartempe, Haute-Vienne, France the daughter of an unmarried laundress, Suzanne Valadon became a circus acrobat at the age of 15 until a fall ended her career. In the Montmartre Quarter of Paris she pursued her interest in art. […]

The Art of Noise

Luigi Russolo and the Art of Noise

Luigi Russolo (1885 – 1947), Italian futurist painter and musician and inventor of the “intonarumori” expounded his musical theories in 1913 in this manifesto entitled “L’arte dei rumori” (The Art of Noises) in which he presented his ideas about the use of noises in music.

Erik Satie

Erik Alfred Leslie Satie (May 17, 1866 – July 1, 1925) was a French composer. Born in Honfleur, Basse-Normandie, France, Satie was a music composer, and a performing pianist, though mainly for café and cabaret audiences. Satie wrote theatre and ballet music, as well as piano music. His compositions are original, humorous, often bizarre, and […]


Minimalism describes movements in various forms of art, especially visual art and music, where the work is stripped down to its most fundamental features. In other fields of art, it has been used to describe the plays of Samuel Beckett, or the films of Robert Bresson, or the stories of Raymond Carver, for example. Visual […]

Eri II: Making People Happy with the Theremin

Japanese theremin player Eri Li with the Etherwave Pro Theremin

An interview with Japanese singer and thereminist Eri Ii.  Eri II is a Japanese singer and thereminist. She received classical voice training from Masako Ueno (who studied with Mario Del Monaco) and, more recently, she began to learn the theremin. We’ve had the luck to listen to her charming theremin playing thanks to her uploads […]

Masami Takeuchi: First Professional Thereminist of Japan

Japanese Theremin player Masami Takeuchi with a Big Briar Series 91Theremin

The Japanese theremin scene is a lively one. But it’s not easy to find information about it since most of the web sites are in the Japanese language only and Japanese theremin enthusiasts usually do not participate in English language online forums. The result is that Japan is like a theremin world apart. That’s why […]