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Let Me Call You Sweetheart

Steven HastenLet Me Call You Sweetheart

These are the only sound files I have of the RCA Theremin. They were done to demonstrate the range as it was with the oscillators restored to specs. I later changed the frequencies of the pitch and reference oscillators to restore playing range.

You can hear spurious oscillations we call “birdies”as the sweep nears the point at which the oscillator locks up and then starts again as we go downscale.

In the second verse of my lousy rendition of “Let Me Call You Sweetheart” You can hear birdies as I get dangerously close to that cutoff point.

The files are a bit noisy but the actual theremin sound was clean. I am sorry for the quality of these recordings. The purpose in making them was to demonstrate my progress as I got her in line.

Steven Hasten 5/18/2005


Steven HastenSweep

These are the only sound files I have of the RCA Theremin. They were done to demonstrate the range as it was with the oscillators restored to specs. I later changed the frequencies of the pitch and reference oscillators to restore playing range.

You can hear spurious oscillations we call “birdies”as the sweep nears the point at which the oscillator locks up and then starts again as we go downscale.

In the second verse of my lousy rendition of “Let Me Call You Sweetheart” You can hear birdies as I get dangerously close to that cutoff point.

The files are a bit noisy but the actual theremin sound was clean. I am sorry for the quality of these recordings. The purpose in making them was to demonstrate my progress as I got her in line.

Steven Hasten 5/18/2005

Eri Participates in Two Moog Events

Live performances and talk show in Tokyo. 1) THE MOOG DAY TOKYOhttp://www.theremin.org/2005/moog/moogday.html Live Performer:ERI / ThereminHideki Matsutake / Modular Synthesizer It is competing of MoogIIIC and Etherwave Pro.moog IIIc”Complete version of modular synthesizer used with Yellow Magic Orchestra” On Saturday, April 2, 2005 Time: 13:00-18:00Entrance is free. 2) Moog Movie and ERI Concert/TalkShowhttp://www.theremin.org/2005/moog/moogday.html Eri does […]

Risveglio di una Città

Luigi RussoloRisveglio di una Città

A sample of a rebuilt Intonarumori from the only surviving fragment of “Risveglio di una città” by Luigi Russolo.

Eri II: Making People Happy with the Theremin

Japanese theremin player Eri Li with the Etherwave Pro Theremin

An interview with Japanese singer and thereminist Eri Ii.  Eri II is a Japanese singer and thereminist. She received classical voice training from Masako Ueno (who studied with Mario Del Monaco) and, more recently, she began to learn the theremin. We’ve had the luck to listen to her charming theremin playing thanks to her uploads […]


Intonarumori 1919

The Intonarumori were a family musical instruments invented in 1913 by italian futurist painter and musical composer Luigi Russolo. They were acoustic noise generators that permitted to create and control in dynamic and pitch several different types of noises. The Intonarumori were a family musical instruments invented in 1913 by italian futurist painter and musical composer Luigi […]

In a Monastery Garden

Lennington H. ShewellIn a Monastery Garden

78 rpm RCA theremin recording (Victor 25130-B) digitized by Reid Welch for the “Levnet Compilation #2”.

Alexandra Stepanoff

Thereminist Alexandra Stepanoff.

A short biography of Léon Théremin’s first theremin student in the United States Alexandra Stepanoff. Alexandra Stepanoff was one of Léon Théremin’s first theremin students in the United States. Formerly a concert singer, around the late twenties, she moved from Russia to New York, where, thanks to the local Russian community, she met Léon Théremin. […]