This midi file was (brutally) generated from the transcriptions (made by Mauro Cavalieri D’Oro on Finale for Macintosh) of the musical scores utilized by the Columbus Orchestra during the two concerts that Lydia Kavina gave in Italy in 1998 (See Lydia’s CD “Concerto per Theremin”). The theremin part is assigned to the GM whistle sound.
This midi file was (brutally) generated from the transcriptions (made by Mauro Cavalieri D’Oro on Finale for Macintosh) of the musical scores utilized by the Columbus Orchestra during the two concerts that Lydia Kavina gave in Italy in 1998 (See Lydia’s CD “Concerto per Theremin”). The theremin part is assigned to the GM whistle sound.
This midi file was (brutally) generated from the transcriptions (made by Mauro Cavalieri D’Oro on Finale for Macintosh) of the musical scores utilized by the Columbus Orchestra during the two concerts that Lydia Kavina gave in Italy in 1998 (See Lydia’s CD “Concerto per Theremin”). The theremin part is assigned to the GM whistle sound.
This midi file was (brutally) generated from the transcriptions (made by Mauro Cavalieri D’Oro on Finale for Macintosh) of the musical scores utilized by the Columbus Orchestra during the two concerts that Lydia Kavina gave in Italy in 1998 (See Lydia’s CD “Concerto per Theremin”). The theremin part is assigned to the GM whistle sound.
Introducing the Audio Library The “Audio Library” has been conceived as a central (and permanent) repository for theremin (or theremin-related) audio files, with no disk space restrictions. The first version of that repository is now online on this site. You can upload audio or midi files (this service is completely free), or you can add […]
The history of the Theremin and its inventor through a collection of press clips. The Birth of the Theremin In the years previous to 1920, a young student, Lev Sergeivitch Termen (a name which was thereafter gallicized to Léon Théremin), built an electronic musical instrument in St. Petersburg. It was a Thermionic tubed instrument. Théremin […]