Hands Off 2007 – the UK Theremin Symposium.

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    • #1850
      Gordon CharltonGordon Charlton

      Hands Off 2007 – the UK Theremin Symposium.

      It’s a long weekend of talks, masterclasses, demonstrations, performances, workshops and socialisation at the end of July in the Purcell School of Music on the outskirts of London.

      Featuring Lydia Kavina and Wilco Botermans.

      Book now – places are strictly limited – full details at http:/theremin.org.uk

    • #1852
      John HogeJohn Hoge

      This home grown event has turned into one of the major theremin fests of this summer.
      If you are in or near Brittan GO!
      The line up is astounding
      and the price is way low.
      If I wasn’t stuck in the US I’d be there with bells on.

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