Keppinger Cabinets

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    • #1866
      Philip NeidlingerPhilip Neidlinger

      My bride Sheri is getting a cabinet made professionally for me as an anniversary present. This will take about 6 months to do. In the meantime, I intend to use the instrument and am building a temporary cabinet, which coming along.

      I am using a plywood called sandeply from Home Despot. Great stuff if you like splinters. I keeping reminding myself “this is only temporary” until the permanent cabinet is ready.

      I will post pix and an engineering drawing on my Keppinger webpage, when I’m done in case anyone is interested.

      Looks good except I messed up the upper shelf as its 3/8″ lower on one side—–lessons to be learned here:

      1. Don’t work outside on the back porch with Tiger mosquitoes
      swarming around your head hungry for your blood.

      2. Don’t work outside when you are tired. Don’t do precision work of any kind when you are tired.

      Anyway, it is TEMPORARY, so a couple extra holes filled with wood
      putty won’t kill me.

      The final question is should I paint or stain this stuff?


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