According to Gary Hoffman (the son of Samuel Hoffman) “The Secret Music of China” was a musical produced in 1947 with orchestra, chorus, and cast under the direction of Alexander Laszlo. The music was released in the same year on four 78 rpm records and then re-released in 1949 on a 33&1/3 rpm 10-inch microgroove […]
Preface The RCA Theremin is an electrical musical instrument played by the free movement of the hands in space. The actual production of sound is accomplished by means of a loudspeaker which must be connected to the RCA Theremin. The loudspeaker may be located close to the Theremin or at any convenient distance as required. […]
CASTEL, LOUIS BERTRAND (1688—1757), French mathematician, was born at Montpellier on the If th of November 1688, and entered the order of the Jesuits in 1703. Having studied literature, he afterwards devoted himself entirely to mathematics and natural philosophy. He wrote several scientific works, that which attracted most attention at the time ‘being his Optique […]
Music by Harry Revel, Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Leslie Baxter (’47 ’48) and Billy May (’50). This box contains re-issues from the following record sets: Music out of the moon, 1947 (Capitol CC-47); Perfume set to music, 1948 (RCA Victor P-231); and Music for peace of mind, 1950 (Capitol CC-221). Dr. Hoffman started his […]
In this article, Giorgio Necordi examines the technology behind the Theremin and outlines the differences between tubes and transistor technology. Then he describes his project for a new transistor Theremin. Introduction The date of birth of the first electronic instrument depends on that of the invention of the thermionic valve or tube (the first exquisitely […]
Penzholz: Before talking about you, I think we should first talk about your instrument. What kind of instrument is it, and who invented it? Kavina: The Theremin was invented in 1920 by the Russian physicist Lev Theremin from St. Petersburg. You can think of it as the first electronic musical instrument ever seen on a […]
Synaesthesia is the general name for a related set of various cognitive states having in common that stimuli to one sense, such as smell, are involuntarily simultaneously perceived as if by one or more other senses, such as sight or / and hearing (see Cytowic 1989; Baron-Cohen & Harrison 1993). For example, the sounds of […]
The history of the Theremin and its inventor through a collection of press clips. The Birth of the Theremin In the years previous to 1920, a young student, Lev Sergeivitch Termen (a name which was thereafter gallicized to Léon Théremin), built an electronic musical instrument in St. Petersburg. It was a Thermionic tubed instrument. Théremin […]
Joshua Pierce, piano Elizabeth Parcells, soprano Portland String Quartet Composers: Bohuslav Martinu, Percy Grainger, Joseph Schillinger, Lydia Kavina, Jorge Antunes, Vladimir Komarov, Friedrich Wilckens, Isodor Achron Lydia Kavina (1967) is the leading thereminist in the world today, according to the booklet. Beeing the granddoughter of Leon Theremin’s first cousin, she was the inventors last protégée. […]
This band is weird. Well their music is. Weird but fun. They have published several cd’s now, of which I have one called Meet the Lothars. On this cd you hear 3 theremins and one electric guitar. Their last cd, Oscillate My Metalic Sonatas, features four theremins and a guitar. Their music sounds improvised, and […]